Join Cobb Healthcare Professional PAC

You Can Make A Difference
Our healthcare is the BEST in the world. We, as the providers know this better than anyone (even our legislators).

  • Are you happy with the way Tort Reform is being delayed?
  • Is “Prior Authorization” process a nightmare?
  • What about insurance reform?
  • Are you resigned to letting politicians dictate what happens to our profession?
  • What will become of the doctor-patient relationship?
  • Are we just substituting doctor-patient relationship with doctor-insurance-patient relationship?
You can remain in denial, bury your head in the sand and just accept what is coming…
You can stand up and have your voice heard.

With your membership in the CHPPAC you have:

  1. Helped elect State Senators and State Representatives that directly worked for and passed tort reform.
  2. Helped elect US Senator and US Congressmen that understand and work for changes in the healthcare industry.
  3. Met with the Governor.

We must continue the good work! 2024 Elections are a few short months away. CHPPAC will support candidates that support healthcare and the physician-patient relationship. CHPPAC is your advocate in the political area.

Join Today!

Cobb County Medical Society Members may join and contribute online or mail your contribution to 114 Cherry Street, Suite D, Marietta, GA 30060.

Find out who your representatives are, and CONTACT THEM TODAY.
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